Bernie Sanders’ Proposed Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

If the student loan forgiveness bill is passed, then the following would go into effect. The Secretary of Education would have 6 months to cancel all outstanding student loan debt that the federal government provides, insured, or guaranteed. This bill would also grant the Secretary of Education the authority to purchase the outstanding loans from private lenders. The program would get private lenders to sell to them by paying off all unpaid portions of the debt including principal, interest and any late charges. How it will affect the average American … Read more

What Is Blockchain Lending: Blockchain Lending Explained

With the advancements in the field of science and technology, the inner workings of different fields are changing, and the same goes for the world of business and finance. A new term that has evolved on the scene as of recent is Blockchain Technology. Blockchain has suddenly become an important factor for business and the financial world. The below study will provide the required details about Blockchain. What is Blockchain Blockchain is a record-keeping system. The term blockchain refers to a chain of the digital blocks in which information and … Read more

How To Get Rid of Your Student Loan Debt Fast In 2020

A growing number of people get student loans as they don’t have other means to pay for college fees. While no one can argue that getting a loan is a necessity for many people, it’s also unquestionable that student loan debt can put the future of many people at stake. No one likes to be under the burden of debts, so people adopt different methods to get rid of them. Some try to find a shortcut and use illegal ways to pay their loans and or do shady business. While … Read more

Fierce Trade War Force Mortgage Rates Below 4%

Last week the 30-year-fixed-rate mortgage fell below 4%, displaying a 16 month low for the product.  Furthermore, the 15-year-fixed-rate mortgage also registered a fall as it averaged 3.46%  from the previous 3.51%. Interest rates have been following the general market cues similar to the bond market. Important factors influencing the slowdown are general slowing trends globally and speculations regarding the US-China trade war. With dilapidated global growth predictions for the future, investors are finding fixed income assets like bonds more secure. Mortgage interest rates are linked to the ten year … Read more